
Dec. 12, 2019

Episode 6: Strong Tomorrows

Jesse and Chris are joined by Omare Jimmerson, Joya Cleveland, and Kasey Hughart from Strong Tomorrows and continue to learn about the subject of teen pregnancy (as we did in episode 4 with Alisa Bell from J.A.M.E.S. Inc.), …
Nov. 28, 2019

Episode 5: Dr. Amber Litwack and ahha Tulsa

We gave thanks for Art!
Nov. 14, 2019

Episode 4: Alisa Bell and Teen Pregnancy

In this first Podcasts for Good crossover episode, Alisa Bell from J.A.M.E.S. Inc, and co-host of the J.A.M.E.S. Inc Podcast, joins Chris and Jesse to talk about teen pregnancy in Oklahoma. We discuss the changing demographi…
Oct. 31, 2019

Episode 3: Rev. Chris Moore and Aliye Shimi

We don't have to believe alike to love alike
Oct. 17, 2019

Episode 2: City Councilor Kara Joy McKee

Change is made by those who show up
Oct. 1, 2019

Episode 1: Marcia Bruno-Todd and Leadership Tulsa

What does it take to be a leader today?